( FFX ) A Guardian from Bevelle. Forced to travel with a Summoner that she's not so fond of ( Amon ), Valeska seeks to break free of him and aid those who truly wish to defeat sin.( FFXII ) Born in Archades, Valeska is a probationary Magister and an apprentice under Judge Gabranth. After her father died during the attack on Landis, she vowed to take his place as the military head of her family.

Name: Valeska Nightingale
Nickname: Leska (Childhood Nickname)
Hair: Blonde, straight with bangs.
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race: Hyur (Midlander)
Home: Doma.
Current Residence: Roaming.
Class: Paladin, Reaper (Post Endwalker)
Former Class: SamuraiBio: Born in Doma, Valeska was raised by two Hyur parents– her mother was a professional weaver and her father an Imperial soldier. Meant to join the army alongside him, she ran away to Ul’dah to avoid becoming involved with the Garlean Empire, casting away ties with her father and journeying far away to pursue the role of a Paladin.Personality: Valeska has an externally tough look to her. She presents herself with a somewhat militaristic aura, though once you speak with her she’s rather gentle and kind to those around her.
Valeska has a commanding voice and some ‘military’ traits from her father, such as getting up excessively early and maintaining a specific diet. As time passes however, she gradually learns to become more relaxed and open in her ways. She loves listening to others, but has trouble following her own advice. Though Valeska has a strong desire to make friends, she is a bit nervous about her family’s associations in Doma ( both her parents were loyal to the Garlean Empire ) before and after the events of Stormblood.About her name: Valeska is Doman through and through, but both of her parents are huge Garlean sympathizers. Because her father serves as a solider in the Imperial army, he named her 'Valeska' in an attempt to break free from ordinary Doman names. Her prior surname was 'Luscinia', again her father's attempt to wipe their Doman roots and pledge allegiance to Garlemald. This was because of his own ambitions to become a high-ranking officer. When Valeska fled, she opted to change her surname again, this time to 'Nightingale', a translation of Luscinia. Her original Doman last name is unknown to her, but she hopes to figure it out someday.

Fandaniel (Hermes & Amon) / (@THEDARKlNSIDE)
Valeska and her incarnations are paired with all of Fandaniel's incarnations.Iris and Hermes were a married couple that lived in Elpis. Though a bit troublesome in personality, Iris was extremely loyal to her husband, often showing concern for him and going to great lengths to cheer him up.Reborn as a scientist named Verita in the Allagan empire, she was again married to Hermes's incarnation, the mage Amon. Chaotic in dynamic, they shared a fascination for their experiments and were over the top in their mannerisms and marriage. They loved each other immensely.Finally, she is reborn as the Warrior of Light, Valeska. Though Valeska shows annoyance toward Amon, she can never seem to cast him away for long. Drawn to him until the end, she accepts that she and all her incarnations were/are in love with Fandaniel no matter the body.
Post Endwalker, she forges a contract with Amon and he becomes her voidsent avatar.
Claudia & Cassius Baelsar (With Gaius Baelsar)Shemhazai (Daughter with Amon)Emil & Cecilia Ronsenburg (Twins with Judge Gabranth)IRIS' CHILDREN:Macaria (With Emet-Selch)
Hera, Diana, Cyrus, & Hestia Scaeva (With Nero Scaeva)Lapiko Family (with Kapiko Lapiko)

Valeksa's unsundered self. She holds the seat of Azem.Unlike her future incarnation, Iris is talkative, outspoken, and mischievous. Flirtatious in her mannerisms, she loves to fluster her partners and cause playful trouble. A notable concept she has created is the infamous red chocobo.She is married to Hermes.

Valeska's Allagan incarnation.An accomplished scientist in the empire, Verita is boisterous, over affectionate, calculating, and highly intelligent. She has some sadistic tendencies and doesn't hold back with her experiments.She is married to Amon.